Virtual/Remote Legal Clinics
Centro Legal de la Raza is taking every recommended precaution to protect our clients, staff, and the general public from exposure to the coronavirus.
Accordingly, our physical offices will be closed to the public until further notice, and we continue to provide legal services remotely by telephone, video, etc. We encourage clients to reach out via telephone to request legal consults and assistance during this time, at (510) 437-1554 or via email at info@annccb.com.
Please leave a message if no one answers and we will return your call. Centro will continue to promptly return calls by phone from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you have a scheduled appointment, please call the number you were provided. If you were not provided a number, clients should expect a call from Centro Legal.
We will provide updates as we continue to explore the best ways to provide legal services to our community, while also being attentive to public health guidance. Our priority is your safety and health so we will take all measures to protect you and to reach out to vulnerable community members. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Immigrants’ Rights
Centro Legal operates multiple immigration clinics. Due to COVID-19, please call our main line 510-437-1554 to inquire legal consult or email info@annccb.com.
Tenants’ Rights
Are you a tenant experiencing a housing-related legal issue? At our legal clinics we provide one-to-one legal consultation services. These consultation services can include reviewing eviction notices and notices of rent increase, drafting letters, providing legal advice, preparing petitions to rent programs, helping tenants respond to landlord demands, and providing other short-term limited assistance.
We assist tenants throughout Alameda County and Contra Costa County. We cannot assist with disputes between tenants, roommates, or neighbors, or with inter-family issues at any clinic. We can only serve tenants who meet Federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Income Limits. Proof of income may be required to receive services.
NOTE: our clinic schedule is subject to change. Please call our office to confirm the clinic schedule prior to attending.
Workers’ Rights
Centro Legal holds several remote Workers’ Rights clinics each month. We host a remote drop-in clinic from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on the third Wednesday of each month; and from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on the second, fourth and applicable fifth Thursday of the month. Because capacity is limited, we recommend making an appointment by calling 510-437-1554, or emailing info@annccb.com.
Visiting Community Clinics
Consumer Protection Clinic
Fights fraud against low-income community members by educating them about their rights as consumers and advocates for victims of unlawful consumer practices. One clinic per month – please call 510-437-1554 for an appointment.
Family Law Clinic
Provides free consultations in our office. One clinic per month – please call 510-437-1554 for an appointment.
Workers’ Compensation Clinic
Provides free consultations in our office. Every Wednesday – please call 510-437-1554 for an appointment.
Referral Services
If your legal issue is not listed here, Centro Legal may be able to connect you to the appropriate legal service providers.